Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why a Special Offering?
A: As part of God’s plan to grow the faith of the people in His church, He calls us to sacrificial giving from time to time. This Special Offering is an opportunity for us to grow in our faith and prepare for what God wants to do through our church in 2020.
Q: What’s the difference between the regular offering and this Special Offering?
A: The regular Journey offering is the proportional amount (the full tithe of 10%) that we set apart on a systematic basis and give throughout the year. From time to time there are opportunities to give in a sacrificial way. This Special Offering is one of those occasions that stretch us to grow in our faith, and should be over and above what you regularly give.
Q: How much should I give?
A: Since the goal is $14,200, this Special Offering will involve everyone. Please prayerfully consider a sacrificial gift that will stretch your faith. The precise amount you give is between you and God. Many in our church can give a $1,000, $2,000 or even a $5,000 gift. Others will be able to give between $100 and $500. The issue is not equal giving, but equal sacrifice.
Q: When should I give?
A: The best time to give will be the first Sunday after you receive this packet. Please pray about making your best gift on that day. You can continue to give until January 31, 2020. Use the SHOWING WE CARE area on the offering envelopes or include a note designating your gift for the Special Offering. Remember, consistent gifts over time add up: giving $75 per week over a six-week period will give $450 to the Special Offering.
Q: Can I give online via bank check, through auto-debit, or text giving?
A: Yes to all. When you give at via online giving, simply select SHOWING WE CARE Special Offering†under the “Fund†drop-down menu. Likewise, you can use your bank’s online payment option to send a check directly to the church office. Just mark in the memo area that your gift is for the SHOWING WE CARE Special Offering.
You can also give to the Special Offering via text message. Simply text the amount of your gift and the phrase “Journey SWC†to the short code 45777 (i.e. Journey SWC $500). If you would like to make a special, one-time auto-debit over and above your regular giving, call 561.420.0606 x304 and speak with Charissa Connor.
You can also give to the Special Offering via text message. Simply text the amount of your gift and the phrase “Journey SWC†to the short code 45777 (i.e. Journey SWC $500). If you would like to make a special, one-time auto-debit over and above your regular giving, call 561.420.0606 x304 and speak with Charissa Connor.
Q: Can I make in-kind gifts of stocks or bonds?
A: Of course! Since The Journey is a 501c3 organization, there can be tremendous tax benefits for you by giving in-kind gifts. For information on this type of giving, contact Charissa Connor at [email protected] or 561.420.0606 x304.
Q: Are my gifts tax-deductible?
A: All gifts to The Journey, whether via the regular offering or this Special Offering, are completely tax-deductible. Your gift will be deductible in the tax year given (i.e., gifts given in 2019 will be deductible on your 2019 taxes). Please be sure to include your name and address when you give so that a receipt can be sent to you for your tax preparations. You are not required to utilize a tax deduction for your gift, but it is available for all gifts.